Monday, June 23, 2008

Breastpump review

My review on breast pumps that I have used....

This is the first pump that I bought. Got it when I was hunting for baby stuff when I was carrying Mick.
What I like about this pump
- feels natural – mimics the suction & compression of normal breastfeeding
- did not hurt at all
What I don’t like
- tiring, as the pumping process is manual
- pump has too many parts to clean(about 7)
- made for wide neck bottles
- once you invest in the Avent pump, you pretty much need to get their whole system – the bottles, the sterilizer(yes, I used a cheaper sterilizer and one of the parts for the pump melted)

Medela(semi auto)
I got this as soon as I delivered, just panicked when I only got 1ml of milk when the nurse asked me to hand express.
What I like about this pump
- faster than Avent since its semi automated
- fits on narrow neck bottles(my storage bottles are all narrow neck)
- battery operated, need not carry power cable around
What I don’t like
- makes you feel like a cow, nothing natural – just sucking action, no compression
- it didn’t last. First unit lasted a week, then I got it replaced since it was still under warranty, the second unit failed on me after 9 months.

I tried this when I was at the hospital and liked it the most. But hubby asked me not to buy since I had already purchased the above two.
What I like about this pump
- value for money, cheaper than Medela and Avent
- fits both narrow and wide neck(with adapter) bottles
- fast
- still makes you feel like a cow but the output is 5 times more than Medela
- medela’s breast shield is adaptable on this pump
What I don’t like
- doesn’t work on batteries, need to carry power adapter around(heavy)
- makes you feel like a cow, nothing natural – just sucking action, no compression


2xMum said...

Hmm... I also bought the first two pumps. Few days ago my medela pump doesn't have suction at all even though the motor is running and I've just bought it in January! Even the very first few times I used it, the motor sometimes sounded like it's running strong and loud then few minutes later the motor sound and suction will turn weaker and slower tone! Do your pump experienced this?

I attempted to buy spectra 3 to replace my medela. However, wasn't sure about spectra's performance and haven't consider buying it!

mama-octopus said...

Yes...thats what exactly happened to mine. But if you take it back to the seller, they will just give you excuses like maybe you don't have enough BM or maybe you didn't use the adapter and it was running on batteries, etc..but Medela has a 6mth warranty. So, you better get yours checked fast.