Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Planning, Scheduling and Multi-tasking

When I first found out that I was carrying twins, I was in a state of shock. Lucky for me, on that day itself, there was an article in the newspaper on how to deal with twins. Basically, the article said that we needed to plan, schedule and multitask to the minute detail.
Both my husband and I are struggling to manage our son, Mick. That’s 2 pairs of hands. So, in order to manage our coming twins, we would need 4 pairs of hands. That’s why I am imagining myself as mama octopus now. After contemplating for a few weeks, we have also decided to hire a live-in maid, who will be here in August.

I also took out my previous newborn baby checklist to cross-out the things that we don’t need and added things to the list based own my experience with Mick.

So, here’s my second & third baby checklist –
1) breast pump – I need to get a new one since my first pump(Medela) stopped functioning after 9 months. Tried to get it repaired but agent recommended to get a new one instead. This time I am going for Spectra 2.
2) baby bottles and teats – I have to invest in these this time round since I would need help with the feeding
3) changing table – probably get one from Ikea. I used to put my baby on my bed and change him, but ended up with a bad backache last time. So, this time, a changing table is a must.
4) sterilizer – I am planning to get a new one. Gave my old one away.
5) diapers – for economic reasons, I am going to convert to cloth diapers
6) present for Mick – we are planning to get a nice big present for Mick to celebrate the arrival of his new siblings. There will be some amount of sibling rivalry and jealously, so giving a present to Mick will reduce the tension.
7) baby clothes – we decided to buy some new clothes for the babies, since we know that they will be small. We bought larger size clothes for Mick(he was born at 3.36kg). Our doctor has already told us that the twins will not be more than 3kg each. So, we’re going to get some preemie sizes for the babies.

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