Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My twins have arrived

My baby boy and baby girl were born on 23/August/2008, 7 weeks early through an emergency C-section due to my pre-eclampsia. Both are doing well but still in the hospital until their weight picks up.
Baby boy - Kris, born at 4.56pm, 2.15kg
Baby girl - Nisha, born at 4.59pm, 2.05kg
I am expressing milk as they are not able to suckle yet, both taking 50ml every 3 hours. Lucky my milk supply is enough for both.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! My daughter was born at 34 weeks weighing 2.1kg.

Mlgsings said...

I saw your post on Blogrush and had to comment. Congratulations on the birth of your twins! I hope everyone's doing well now. I also have twin dd's born 10/07/06, they just turned 2yrs. They're lots of fun but quite a handful! I also have a 5yo dd and a 3yo ds. Please keep posting on your little ones' progress.


Anonymous said...

came across your blog while surfing. hey congrats on your twins..a pair huh? lucky you :) must have your handsful by now since i think they are around 7 months now? if you are interested of taking pictures of your kids, please visit my blog :0 would love to take twin pictures with their mummy :)